
Glassdoor Scraper - Scrape Glassdoor Data

RealdataAPI / Glassdoor Scraper

Collect job-related information from Glassdoor quickly and at no cost using an efficient Glassdoor Scraper. Extract comprehensive data from job listings, encompassing salaries, company information, and reviews.

Glassdoor Job Scraper

Our Glassdoor crawler offers a wealth of data beyond what's accessible through the official Glassdoor API or public sources. Unlike the limited company search available through the API, our scraper provides comprehensive details on job listings. You can obtain this information by directly searching for jobs or parsing open positions from company searches. No login is required to collect valuable data without compromising your Glassdoor account.

Salary details are extracted and presented as "estimated by Glassdoor." In cases where no estimation is available, the salary data will be omitted. The estimated salary is represented as a data object, providing a comprehensive overview of compensation details.

    "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
    "currency": "USD",
    "value": {
        "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
        "minValue": "100175",
        "maxValue": "130992",
        "unitText": "YEAR"

The parsing process unfolds in two steps if a search for company reviews is conducted. Initially, the actor retrieves the search results, comprising a list of companies. Subsequently, for each company identified, the actor extracts job postings. The number of jobs associated with a company can range from zero to dozens.

Input Parameters

The input for this scraper must be a JSON file containing a list of Instagram pages to be visited. The mandatory fields include:

Field Type Description
query String Search query for Glassdoor job listings or companies.
category String Choose between searching for companies or jobs. Jobs are the default option. While Glassdoor also provides information on interviews and salaries, this data cannot be logically mapped to jobs and is not supported by the platform.
location String (Optional) Conduct a location search depending on different suggestions provided by Glassdoor. The first matching from this list will get used for real search. In case, no match is found, the actor will fail with an error.
maxResults Integer Optionally specify the number of items to load from search results. The actor will attempt to parse all available search results if not specified.

Input example of Glassdoor Job Scraper

    "query": "Project manager",
    "category": "Jobs",
    "location": "New Yourk",
    "maxResults": 50


During the process, the person involved will provide parsed URLs and status messages. Since there is no need to log in, you can open parsed pages directly in a browser to examine them in more detail. This can be especially useful for those who do not have or choose not to use web login, as not logged-in users may be redirected to the signup form by Glassdoor after navigating between pages two or three times. Alternatively, you can use direct URLs to browse pages in incognito browser mode.

Extracted Glassdoor Job Data

The output structure for each job item is as follows. It's important to note that the "jobDetails" field can be a lengthy string, as it is parsed from the entire page section. This can lead to some formatting discrepancies. The "Id" corresponds to the job listing ID in Glassdoor and is expected to be unique.

  "id": 3372440104,
  "employerName": "Valeo",
  "employerRating": null,
  "jobLocation": {
    "@type": "Place",
    "address": {
      "@type": "PostalAddress",
      "addressLocality": "Prague",
      "addressRegion": "52",
      "addressCountry": {
        "@type": "Country",
        "name": "CZ"
    "geo": {
      "@type": "GeoCoordinates",
      "latitude": "50.0833",
      "longitude": "14.4667"
  "url": "https://www.glassdoor.com/job-listing/product-manager-pipedrive-JV_IC2296178_KO0,15_KE16,25.htm?jl=3381569011",
  "jobDetails": "Ready to tackle the challenges of the vehicle of the future? Join Valeo and revolutionize the comfort and well-being of all passengers! We are looking for an experienced TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGER...",
  "companyDetails": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": "Pipedrive",
    "logo": "https://media.glassdoor.com/sqll/963206/pipedrive-squarelogo-1429226256313.png",
    "sameAs": "www.pipedrive.com",
    "Website": "www.valeo.com",
    "Headquarters": "Paris (France)",
    "Size": "10000+ employees",
    "Founded": "1923",
    "Type": "Company - Public (FR)",
    "Industry": "Transportation Equipment Manufacturing",
    "Revenue": "$10+ billion (USD) per year",
    "Competitors": "Robert Bosch, Visteon"
  "datePosted": "2019-11-07"

CU example usage

  "query": "web",
  "category": "Companies",
  "location": "Prague",
  "maxResults": 20


Check out how industries are using Glassdoor Scraper around the world.


E-commerce & Retail